Providence Medical-Psychiatry & Internal Medicine Practice

Schizophrenia Specialist


Schizophrenia causes psychotic episodes that make you lose touch with reality, but with early and consistent treatment, you can lower your risk of future episodes. Dr. Esther Eke-Huber, PhD, APRN, ANP-C, PMHNP-BC, and the team at Providence Medical & Mental Health Clinic offer exceptional treatment for schizophrenia. They provide therapy and medication management that support your mental health, reduce relapses, and give you the tools you need to live a fulfilling life. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Houston, Texas, or book an in-person or telemedicine appointment online today.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a serious mental health disorder that affects your ability to think, twists your perceptions, and changes the way you interact with other people. 

The first symptoms of schizophrenia usually occur between the ages of 18 to 35. Though the cause remains unknown, experts believe that this condition arises from a combination of genetic tendencies, imbalanced brain chemicals, and environmental triggers.

What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is known for causing psychosis, which refers to hallucinations and delusions. The various symptoms of schizophrenia are grouped into five categories:


A delusion is a false belief that you won’t give up even with evidence that your belief is not real. Some people may think they’re a famous person or that their brain is being controlled, to give you two examples.


Hallucinations occur when you see, smell, hear, taste, or feel something that doesn’t exist. Auditory hallucinations such as hearing voices are the most common.

Disorganized speech

Disorganized speech comes from abnormal thought processes. Examples of disorganized speech include jumping from one topic to another unrelated topic, repeating what someone else said, and speaking to a person who’s not there. You may also speak words that are jumbled or don’t make sense.

Disorganized or catatonic behaviors

Disorganized behavior includes repetitive and senseless movements. People who have catatonic behavior stay in the same position without moving.

Negative symptoms

People with negative symptoms lose all interest in their usual activities or lack the motivation to do anything, including keeping up with hygiene.

How is schizophrenia treated?

After your initial interview and evaluation, your Providence Medical & Mental Health Clinic provider develops a personalized treatment plan that may include:


Many people with schizophrenia need antipsychotic medications that reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech and behavior. These medications may also help prevent a relapse.


Therapy helps patients deal with the negative and cognitive symptoms. You also learn coping skills that help you manage the daily challenges of schizophrenia, whether you need support for holding down a job or forming relationships.

Providence Medical & Mental Health Clinic also provides coordinated specialty care, referring you to specialists as needed and working together as part of a support team dedicated to improving your quality of life.

If you experience symptoms of schizophrenia, call Providence Medical & Mental Health Clinic or book an appointment online today.