Providence Medical-Psychiatry & Internal Medicine Practice

Obsessive Compulsive Specialist

Obsessive Compulsive

OCD may make you feel scared, disgusted, tearful or depressed. You may worry you’re going mad or that you’re a bad person because of the thoughts you have. It’s important to recognize that OCD is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. There are effective treatments that can reduce the impact it has on your life Compulsions are repetitive actions or thoughts you feel you have to do. The aim of a compulsion is to try to relieve the anxiety or distress caused by the obsessive thoughts.

What is Obsessive Compulsive?

Common obsessions include:

  • fear of contamination
  • fear of causing harm to someone else
  • needing things to be balanced or in the right order
  • intrusive thoughts or images that may be violent, blasphemous or taboo.